Showing posts with label dicaprio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dicaprio. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I watched Inception the other day.

That might be a surprise to some seeing how I mentioned if given the chance, I would punch DiCaprio in the neck and that I have no love for him at all.  Reason is, it seems that he always plays the smarmy, cocky, self-absorbed types in most of his movies.  The type of guy that you might consider a friend, but try your best not to have him around all too much, simply because you cannot stand him.

So anywhoo.

I liked Inception, even through my hatred for one person, I liked it.  The idea that you can enter into someone's mind through there dreams, is an interesting idea and that while you are there, can steal information from them, is even better.

In the movie, DiCaprio's character has to enter into the mind of a newly appointed owner of a power conglomerate and plant an idea for him to break apart the company.  For them to do this, they have to go three levels deep, which means they have to go within a dream, within a dream, within a dream to be able to plant the seed of the idea.

Does it work?  

The ending doesn't give you a clear answer.  You see, during them dreaming, one of the characters is shot and wounded in the first dream, they take him deeper into the next two dreams, which is all good, except he dies in the first dream, killing him in the other two.  Normally you would just wake up, but because of the drugs they are using, you just go deeper into your dreams.

Why does all of that matter?

Well, the character in question is going to be responsible in helping DiCaprio be able to legally go back home to the States, since he is wanted for the death of his wife.  So, without this guy out of the dream state, all of this is for naught and DiCaprio's character goes deeper to find the guy and bring him back.

So they all get out and DiCaprio's character gets to see his children once again and live happily ever after and go see Shrek 15

Not so fast.  The last parting scene is DiCaprio's character walking out to see his kids after spinning a toy top on a table and the movie ends before seeing if the top stops.


I'm not gonna give the complete movie away.  I'm not that big of an asshole.

So anyways, good movie, go see it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shutter Island Review

I want to preface this movie review with a couple of things:

  1. If you plan on seeing Shutter Island, do not read this. I will not mark any sort of spoilers that may lie within, so be forewarned.

  1. I have deep seated hatred of Leonardo DiCaprio that knows no bounds, that will most likely jade this review and not in a positive light. It is so severe that if presented with an opportunity to be able to punch him in the neck, I most likely would.

Knowing these things and you still wish to move forward, you may.

Shutter Island is not any sort of horror film, not in the least. The previews and trailers do at times make it sort of seem that way, but it is not in the very least a spooky type of film. I realized this shortly into the movie once I remembered that it is a Martin Scorsese film and that Scorsese does not do horror/scary/spooky type of movies.

Knowing this I felt a bit more at ease; I am not a big fan of horror/scary/spooky type of movies.

Not that I don’t watch them, just not one to go out watching them on a regular occasion. Just an FYI.

The premise of Shutter Island is that some crazy person escaped from their cell and two US Marshalls are dispatched to investigate the disappearance. Seems pretty straightforward thus far.

In the course of the investigation the Marshalls are constantly hit with roadblocks by the head head-shrink by disallowing them access to personal records of the employees that work on the island and by not allowing access to the dreaded C Block. C Block is where only the crème de la crème of the severe crazies are housed.

Shortly after the two Marshalls get on the island a storm hits that becomes a hurricane that makes it impossible for the Marshalls to be able to leave the island.

Really, can you get anymore convenient than that?


So the missing patient is found and all is right with the world, but wait, DiCaprio’s character has another motive, to find the guy that started the apartment fire that killed his wife.


Needless to say, I got bored with the movie about halfway through since it was not really moving all too fast. The last thirty minutes were the best part of the movie as you find out the entire time DiCaprio’s character was crazy and the whole thing was a role-playing exercise to cure him from his insanity.


Like most of his movies, it would have been tons better and enjoyable if he was either not in it to begin with or mauled by wolves/lion/hyenas half way through.