Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I recently had two weeks off from work in the form of vacation and it was splendid.  There was no trip or random orgy(ies) that took place during that time...so don't get excited.  On the Sunight before the Monday going back to work, I had a hard time going to sleep, two weeks of staying up till 2 or 3 in the morning and sleeping till 10 or 11 in the morning, somehow has that affect on you.  Go figure.

So to fall asleep and to get my mind off of the impending doom of work, I cleared my mind.  I do this all the time and it usually brings images into my head.  Usually of looking into a bright sun filled sky and imagining or seeing other details that come forth.  Sometimes it works like premonition, which is kinda cool.

On this particular night, it wasn't the normal bright blue sun filled sky, but a cloudy, pouring down rain, type of day.  I am sitting on a porch or in a restaurant set in the country looking out on this scene and it triggered a memory of a dream.

This dream I was in my yard, it was filled with brush that you typically find in the woods of Florida...i.e. palmetto bushes, pine straw and the accompanying pine trees.  It had been raining and the vehicle I drove was stuck in the mud.

Now thinking back, this could not be my current yard.  My current yard does not nor has not ever had that many pine trees that were that tall and big, it mostly had smaller pines about as big around as a baseball bat, not  as big as a mudder tire.  That would be bigger than 33" for you un-educated folk.  Though, some would argue that a true mudder tire begins at 35", but that is for another article some other time.

Now all of this makes me wonder if this is someplace I have yet to be or just some sort of amalgamation of memories?

Of course that doesn't answer the question about the rainy day vision.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Everyone knows that Santa is a jolly old soul, gives presents to all the good boys and girls, lives on the North Pole, has elves making all the toys he gives out, has eight tiny reindeer and is married to Mrs. Claus.

Seems lately that Old St. Nick has been found hocking many things this year.  From BestBuy to Mercedes, guess the Coca-Cola contract finally ended.

Santa hocking Ancestry.com

It is a little disturbing knowing that Santa is related to a tooth thief.

Santa helping BestBuy.

Of course all of these moms don't know that with one phone call, that dollar for a tooth will go back to a shilling.

Santa selling trucks.

Of course Santa owns a Mercedes

When Santa wants to have some fun on vacation.

With Santa hocking his face in all of these ads I'm not sure if he has sold out to the man, fallen on hard times,  isn't that busy because there aren't that many good boys and girls as there used to be or is just letting people know that he is still out there, waiting, watching, checking to see who is naughty and who is nice.

Merry Christmas.