Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Life Test

The question that it arises, is would you have something like this performed to find out how much longer you'll live?

With information like that how would you finish out the rest of your life?  Would you find religion and strive to right the wrongs you have committed in the past?  Would you live life to the fullest each and everyday, striving to try the next big thing and go out with a bang?

Is it even worth knowing when you'll die?  Shouldn't that be the big surprise in life, when you are going to kick the bucket?  Sure, if you don't know, you might live your life or you may end up being some sedentary, just living your life on a couch.  Whereas, if you knew how long you had, you might go out and do great things.

Or would you?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Before 30

Blogger is apparently down, but I have something to say and I won't be deterred.

On FB, my real FB not the page for this site, a friend posted they need to accomplish something before the big 3-0.  So here is my list for all you kiddos that are looking to make your mark in life.

Rob a bank.

Go on a shooting spree.

Burn a village of indigenous people in some dirt water country.

Streak the Superbowl.

Make a porno and show to a gathering of world leaders.

Throw poo at the monkeys at the zoo.

Grow weed and sell it.

Go to a job interview all Charlie Sheen'ed.

Operate heavy machinery under the influence of an OTC medicine.

Wreck a flash mob.

Run a marathon...naked.

Hold your breathe until you pass out while riding a motorcycle.

Have a kid.

Eat said kid.

Steal a yacht.

Sink a yacht.

Jump off a balcony.

Delete all your friends on FB, then add complete strangers.

Follow random strangers around the mall.