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Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Losing Us

I wrote previously on how technology can help us find that one true love that is for us, rather than having to settle for something that is just right there. Which I believe wholeheartedly, but I believe that technology is destroying us as a peoples.

Anymore we are too connected to the internet via laptops, cell phone and tablet PCs. We over-share our lives to all of our ‘friends’ on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. We forget about people till we see them post on those sites, then we hijack that status just to interject how we miss them, ignoring the whole point of their post that states how their house just burned down. We as a people have become too shallow towards our fellow man or woman. We only care about a quick 180 character response on how you are doing or feeling, not bothering to get to know anybody as a person or individual but just as a status that does only to cover the right then. Quick pleasantries have become the norm, not for reason of a busy life, but for the simple fact that we only care about ourselves rather than the person that is in front of us right then.

When out with significant others, friends or family, we check our phones constantly while in conversation for texts from someone else or Facebook updates; either from friends or to update our own. No longer can we just be in the moment without sharing with the world, a world that does not care unless you are talking about it.

We have become a ‘give it to me now’ instant gratification society, no wanting to wait for something. Patience has become an antiquated virtue to us and has become thought of as a weakness or of being slow. Move quick, go now, speak fast is the law of the land. A New York minute is the new standard of time that we all have incorporated into our lives.

The easy going carefree-ness of youth is being lost by our constant busy lives. Our own hurriedness that our children see becomes learned behavior for them. Children no longer imagine, they do not have time for such childish things; they are too busy absorbing someone else’s pre-packaged imagination while updating their own Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

We are losing our humanity by keeping everyone at arms length but simultaneously letting everyone know what we are doing on a constant basis.

We have chosen this life.

We will lose ourselves if we continue down this path of self-absorbedness.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Technology is great.

Normally I abhor it, but today I will make an exception upon it.

Technology can help you meet someone hundreds of thousands miles away, fall in love with them and you wish to marry them.

Couldn't do that in the old days. In those days, you had to actually meet someone through friends, church, social gatherings or whatever it was that people did to meet each other and make a connection. Whatever connection would be made would probably be kept for awhile since there weren't many to choose from and you most likely met them in the type of venue you prefer to frequent so they would be most likely your "type".

Now we have all of that, plus all of the social networking sites and dating sites that exist these days to help in our search for the "one". Where else can you potentially meet thousands of people through just a few clicks of the mouse?

Well besides some super club that you can party with thousands at? But then you may not like that atmosphere or find the person that meets you standards or lifestyle.

In the old days many people found what they wanted, some just settled for what they had and some were forced for that what they had done.

These days all that still applies, but because of technology, we don't have to settle for what is "just there". There is so many sites out there that one can join to help find the "one". We no longer have to settle for what is in our backyard, we can look for love hundreds of miles away, even thousands if we so desire to hopefully meet that one that we have been always looking for.

And when we do find them, it is so much easier for us to keep in touch through the miles that keep us apart by the satellites and miles of internet that keep the world a small, small one.