About a month ago, I got a couple of Moleskine pocket notebooks just for the hell of it. Been wanting to get some once before but could never bring myself to paying the cost of them but these were on clearance and Star Wars...so I had to. Now the point of my getting them was to be able to carry them with me or at least one of them with me, at most times to write whatever, whenever. Of course I have not really been carrying them that much but I'm half way there.
So I made one as my personal writing book, sketch, idea, whatever thing and the other is more so for Herbalife, notes during STS's, clients, etc. I have managed to keep them separate in that regards so far at this point. Bonus points for me.
Now, just last week I was in Walgreens looking for some replacement toothbrush heads for mine; which it seems no one carries now, and ran across a fountain pen...so I bought it. Used it a little at the house when I got home and took it to STS for notes in the Molsekine notebook. I love this pen as much as any person should love an inanimate object that is. It is a Zebra brand fountain pen. Nothing fancy, comes with two refills or it should say a fill, and a refill of ink. Of course knowing my luck, these pens have probably been discontinued with the refills never to be produced again. Especially considering I didn't see them in Wal-mart a day or two later.