I've known for the past several months that I have been under a lot of stress, from money issues, work and private life, it was wearing on me. That largest contributor to that was my job; seeing that new ownership took over in May of this year and word throughout was they didn't see a need for a Purchasing Department and then add a new GM a few months later that carried that same banner, well, the writing was on the wall to say the least. Even though the writing was on the wall and I had read the wall, I was secretly hoping that the message was going to change.
Now the end of this month, Oct, a large chunk of the hotel is going to be closed for renovation and I knew then that any company that was worth anything would be cutting staff back in a major way and that my department should be one that should be going away but again, I was hoping that the story was not finalized.
When I was asked to come with the F&B Director and there was that look on their face; you know the look, I knew it was my time. They are calling it "Staff Reduction" and that I was not the only one that would be going; honestly I would hope not or you just look like hypocrites.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this time. I haven't began to look as of yet, but I am an Herbalife Member so I can start pursuing that with a greater fervor than what I was have been.
I do know this, that I feel much less stress today than I have been feeling as of late. My money issues mentioned from before were taken care of earlier this year as part of the "Writing on the Wall". Even though I was hoping for a different outcome, it was better to get myself out of debt than to wait till the end.
Relationship stress was a mixture of money and work and some dunder-headedness upon my part. My girlfriend and I live two hours apart and only seeing each other during the weekend makes it difficult for me to accomplish things at her place and for us to spend any real quality time together.
So with an unknown future income wise I face the day.