Probably not, but I'm not upset, much.
Anyways. The blog was down for a bit for unknown reasons. Well, one reason is most likely that I went dicking with things that one should not go dicking with and broke something. Most likely, I started something when updating Godaddy payment in October, and seeing as that I have mostly ignored this place; I didn't notice it was broken until December.
Which meant going through every possible search that I could think of to try to rectify the issue to no avail. I let it sit for a week, started a new and went back to a previous fix that I had found but did not attempt.
I did the things there to fix my site, mostly from the one picture showing the DNS records that were needed for the blogger to work correctly when redirecting from a custom name or to a custom; forgive me, I am not literate in this regard. Those things also fixed the HTTPS issue that I wasn't worried about.
Now I just hopefully got AdSense working again. Not sure why as it has not earned me any money in these years that is any sort of bankable.
Hopefully, this will keep this thing running for several more years to come...that is, if I would make the effort to post on here more often than I do once a quarter of the year.