Heads Up, 7 Up was a game that I remember playing in elementary school during the days of my youth while in class. This is not some game that I came up with to pass time but a game that the teacher would actually allow us to play in class.
The game went like this: seven students were picked to start, the rest of the class would then put their heads down with a thumb up, the 7 would walk around with each one putting one thumb down. When they were finished, the teacher would say, 'heads up, 7 up'. Which was when the seven that had their thumbs put down would stand up. At this time, those seven would get to try and pick whomever it was that put their thumb down; they only got one guess as to whom it was as it then would go to the next person. If you guessed right, you became a thumb downer; guess wrong, you sit down.
I almost never got chosen to start as one of the seven, but a few times I got my thumbed 'downed'. Which meant that I would get to stand to face the person that dared to put their dirty hands on me.
Which I could almost always do.
Not because of any kind of skill but because I cheated.
You can be shocked or whatever you like about that revelation but it was the way of the world at that time.
It was quite easy to do so. When you put your head down, you would cover your face, but peek off the side of the desk so as to see the floor. What this would accomplish is that if someone came to your desk to assault your thumb, you could hopefully catch a glimpse of their shoes or pants and be able to identify your assaillant. Which worked most of the time.
Now since I knew how to cheat to find out who touched me, I also knew how to avoid being spotted by other cheaters. Which was quite simple, when you would walk up to your target, instead of stopping at the side their head is at mostly, you go to the other side or you stop at the front and reach over or come at them from behind but return the way you came. May have taken longer for you to pick the person that you wanted, but to be one of the longest pickers was always a great feeling, it meant you were a much sneakier bastard than the other little shit heads.
Of course that cheating probably is the reason that anytime I cheat now, I lose.
Fucking karma.
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