If interested, watch this.
Obama promises not to open up any drilling offshore of the United States during a campaign speech in Jacksonville, Florida. Then on March 31, 2009 Obama makes a speech ok'ing drilling offshore of the United States. Then on Earth Day 2010 an oil rig catches fire, explodes and sinks to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, which of course causes all of the residents of the Gulf Coast as well as those that are against drilling in the first place to start voicing their opinion on allowing the U.S. to open up offshore drilling.
Now, I am not a conspiracy nut but this is all too convenient or too much of a convenience and makes it all too easy for the President to backtrack on what he said and to close drilling once again.
Which is total crap.
Yeah, he broke a campaign promise but has there ever been a President that has not? I think you would be hard pressed not to find one. Ok, so there was an oil rig that went boom and is now spilling oil into the Gulf, but that happens and everything will be fine.
Problem is, many do not see it as such. They will vehemently cry foul with anything to do with the possible negative impact of their precious industry of tourism. Which is a problem seeing as how in the economy that we have, to rely almost totally on something that is dependent on a good economy since if times go lean, the first thing to go is the family vacation to the Gulf.
I know that I would if I was placed in that position with a family.
Now we have oil in the Gulf, a President that will most likely cave to the pressure of closing drilling once again just to make some of the rich in the area able to maintain their level of comfort.
Fucking wonderful.
As far as the conspiracy part, it probably is a coincidence but the government has ways of making those happen. Especially if someone needs to retract something that they very recently decided to open up.
I'm all for alternative energies but we need to harness what we have now instead of sitting on our haunches waiting for alternative energies to be discovered or made accessible to the general public. Our entire infrastructure is centered around oil and has been for decades. It will take decades to convert this way of thinking away from oil and around the new technology. The thing is most of the new possible known tech out there is just not feasible. Windmills can only be placed in certain areas and they face opposition just the same as oil rigs but with the argument the windmills are an eyesore; hydro needs a dam which dislocates people; solar doesn't produce enough power with the availability of panels and are only useful in sunny areas and days; nuclear is the best but Chernobyl and Three Mile Island is the rallying cry for those that oppose that.
So what can be used in place of oil to power America or the world? In America, nothing is available and someone somewhere will have to invent or discover this new revolutionary source and we will all have to pray that some boob doesn't try to stop it or sue saying they invented it first.
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