I have started to realize a new truth in life, a truth that life will speak to you constantly until you realize what life is trying to say to you and you start to listen.
I know this is going to be very vague sounding but trust me, you will realize this truth when it starts to happen to you.
Some people will say that this isn't life speaking to you but that it is destiny; I don't believe in destiny or pre-ordination, I refuse to. I believe it can lead to apathy towards life. If you are a meth addict living in a cave with your enabling boyfriend/girlfriend, you shouldn't believe that is your lot in life, that there is no way for you to ascend to something more or better. I believe that everyone has the chance to be rich in their life.
Ok, back to my original train of thought.
If your young, you most likely haven't lived long enough to come to this realization, to see this pattern that life may present to you beckoning you to change. Those of an older generation reading this may have noticed during their lifetime a few of these truths; albeit if they listened to life or not, is not quite the question of this blog at this point. These truths come as re-occurring themes in a standard pace throughout life. There is no set time table as to when a truth may be revealed to you, but when it occurs you should be ready to listen.
A truth may be constant job opportunities of a better job, love beckoning for your attention with constant attention from the opposite sex or same, constant callings for travel when you may never. We should open our sub-consciousness to help us to better notice these trends when they start to appear. Life will not continue to attempt to show us these things or wait for us for eternity on the off chance that we may finally pull our head out of our ass to wake up to that truth that has been constantly shown to us for some time. Many times we do not realize these truths until they have stopped and we are left in the desert of the end of what was trying to be told us.
I'll give you an example.
Someone that I know through friends of friends is in a self-imposed island of loneliness because of past love experiences and is tired of being hurt by men. Now she has several men that are vying for her attention, but she wishes not to date them for the simple fact she does not wish to be hurt once again. I believe that life is letting her know that it is time for her to open up once again to the thought and idea of love and being loved by someone else. I believe that life will only afford this vision of this truth for a short amount of time and if you fail to notice this; when life stops showing this to you, you will be left in the dark, out in the cold, wandering the desert so to speak.
Listen to what life has to say to you when it starts talking. Take the time to notice the patterns that may be showed you, you just may be on a path to better things that will make you richer in life.
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