Showing posts with label transsexuals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label transsexuals. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I've watched both Hangover movies, found the first one to be alright and the second one to be ok.  Neither of which weren't nearly as funny as everyone I talked to claimed they were.  After having watched both movies, I have noticed a couple of things about the characters that are portrayed in the films.


He's the pretty boy of the group, a teacher, probably was a jock and or a frat boy in college and is married; unlike the others at the beginning of the first movie.  He is the calm re-assuring voice that talks to the bride-to-be (H1) or Doug (H2) while the boys are out having fun or should I say, frantically searching for a missing person.  

Since he is a teacher, these weddings are the only times he gets to get away and cut loose without fear that some nosy parent of a student might see him to tell to the school board on his wild drunken behavior while watching Phil bang strippers at 2 a.m. at some seedy motel on the bad side of town.

Phil is the guy that likes to live vicariously through his friends; mostly since he is married and is a teacher, which he probably tends to talk the others into doing things that he only wishes he could do while vigorously whacking his weasel. 


This poor bastard seems to miss all the fun.  Oh, he got to experience the first bachelor party seeing as he was the groom but missed the fun in searching for himself the next day.  The next bachelor party, he left early to go to bed and thusly missing the fun in Bangkok.  

He just looks like he is always stressed.  As if he always wonders if the other guys will make it back alive.  He probably does this on a day to day basis when there is no weddings going on at all, just wonders if Phil will be involved in a drug bust at the school or if Stu accidentally kills some stripper in a back alley and needs help in hiding the body.  


Stu is just a bundle of anxiety and fetishes.  Not only is he paranoid that at anytime will he be ruffied but deep down inside, he longs for it and awaits its warm, moist trip.  If it wasn't for him being ruffied on the first bachelor party, he would not have realized how much he hates his then current girlfriend and that he secretly likes strippers and on his party, transsexuals.

You would think that after the first bachelor party, that he would not take anything from Alan out of fear that it may be drugged in some manner but since he secretly wants to be let free to have an excuse to pursue his stripper habit without remorse, he willing partakes in the marshmallows.

He is also an Attention Seeker as evident by removing his own tooth at the first bachelor party and then getting a face tattoo during his bachelor party.  Marrying a stripper during the first and having sex with a transsexual stripper at his party.


Alan is a man-child, still living at home with his well to do parents living in the lap of luxury.  He is also a sociopath with no regard to anyone but himself.  He ruffies everyone at the beginning of the first bachelor party and once more on the second.  He has no conscience to speak of as he constantly puts the others in harms way with his actions.

The only reason he was allowed to come to Stu's wedding in Thailand (H2), is because the others feared that Alan would probably kill them if he wasn't allowed to come.  Which was the lesser of two evils, certain death by Alan applied death because he couldn't come to Thailand or the possibility of being killed after having been drugged by Alan during the bachelor party in Thailand.

Choices, choices...

Mr. Chow

Mr. Chow tried to kill the above trio, minus Doug, during the first bachelor party when Alan (surprise!) accidentally grabbed the wrong bag full of Mr. Chow's winnings.  Of course Mr. Chow shows up at the second party since Alan (surprise again!) has been keeping in touch since Mr. Chow tried to kill them the last time.

It also helps that Mr. Chow is a known drug dealer and has probably been supplying Alan with drugs since after the first party.   Mr. Chow being a criminal wanted by FBI, DEA, Interpol and how many other acronyms, was probably planning on upping his game in Thailand by working with Alan and harvesting the body parts from the others to only be thwarted by a bust by Interpol.