Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22, 2010


It was time for a new phone since it has been two years since my last and have been wanting a Droid ever since it came out. Of course I really wanted the Blackberry Storm when it came out as well, but was no where near time for upgrade at that time; which was really beneficial on my part since the Storm has been an extremely crappy product from the get go. What the Droid replaces is a Motorola W755, which is a Verizon only phone and is a truly crappy phone to boot.

Now I have only had the Droid for two days as of writing this and to say I am excited would be an understatement at this point. This phone is truly phenomenal. It has apps of a dozen varieties that you can download, some free and some pay; Google maps, which is just cool to play with; Google sky map, which is even more cooler. All of this in a neat little package.

I know the iPhone is supposed to be this great phone that does everything with a billion apps and counting, but I don't like Apple and in no way was going to get one, especially with AT&Ts craptacular service. I know what the commercials say, but my work is a true deadzone to AT&T and T-mobile, so why would I get a service that I cannot use at work?

Got the phone through for a much cheaper price than through Verizon. Spent a 100 bucks for the phone, a case, car charger and screen protectors; whereas all of that would have cost around 300 bucks through Verizon, while receiving a 100 buck visa card rebate. I think I got the better deal by far on this one.

I have nothing more to say. I am lost for words.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

iPhone Rant

I'm tired of hearing about or seeing anything about the stupid iPhone. If you believe the hype, it is the greatest bit of technology since the personal computer, the sybian or a regular cell phone. Yes, it has a half billion apps that you can buy and place on your computer...err...iPhone, but do you really need them?

Have we become so dependent on technology that we are so lazy that we can't figure out the split between a party of five in a restaurant or have forgotten how to look in a phone book to look up a number or; here's a good one, need an app to level out a book shelf? Come on, an app that is a level! Seriously? You must be fucking kidding me, but I wish it was not the truth, they have an app for that.

Why don't they come up some really useful apps that would be cool to have, like how to haggle with a stripper for half off a lap dance? How to tell if the hooker you're talking to is a cop or not. How to pick a set of handcuffs. How to hotwire a car. How to mug a mugger.

Where are those apps?

I would maybe buy an iPhone to have something cool on it like that.

Too bad you can only get the iPhone with the crappiest service provider in the known universe, if they had the network it wouldn't be so bad, but you are stuck with AT&T. AT&T and T-mobile do not even work at my job, but Nextel, Verizon and Alltel work like champs.

Go figure.

I guess the iPhone is just proof that we are nothing more than consumers that have to have the newest, brightest, most commercialized thing out there just because the tv told us so. All the apps that you can get is just more proof of this.

Who wants an app that tells all your other loser iPhone friends where you are and what the hell are you doing?

It will be funny one day to see on the news or read in the paper that some dumbass killed somebody because his iPhone said that the other loser was doing his girl.