Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The past few days I have been depressed and feeling a little out of it of sorts.  I haven't been able to really put my finger on it to as to why seeing as I have a girlfriend that loves me, family too, have a job that pays, a roof over my head and I am in great health.

So why is it that I am depressed?

After some recent reflection during this quiet morning, I came to the conclusion that it is because I am broke. Seems lately that I have been spending all of my bi-weekly paychecks with just some scraps to live off of till the next paycheck comes through the bank.  This is really a silly practice that I have gotten myself into, so much so, that it is causing me undo stress, grief and depression; that I need to amend my ways to stop it.

The sad part of all of this, I could stop using Herbalife and save a ton of money but lose what I am gaining in being healthy; seriously, aside from this little depression, I haven't felt this good in my whole life.  Well, except when I was a child but then you have no worries of money or bills needing to be paid or such other nonsense.  I would have some more money then, if I was to stop.


I could stop making excuses for myself, get off of my ass and find some people that need help being healthy and help them.  I know I can do that.


I always seem to be able to hinder myself before I even begin.  Locking up on the initial conversation, stammering through the details and not being able to cohesively put forth my knowledge in a way that is convincing.

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